hydro BANKS (flexible tanks) is a modern and economical solution for storing and transporting various types of liquids.
They are made of specially dedicated fabrics with high durability, flexibility and resistance to changes in weather conditions.
Manufactured by HF (high frequency) welding flexible hydrobanks are able to withstand up to 1000 m3 of water, fertilizers, crude oil and more fluids are easy to transport and install.
hydroBANKS are made of super durable, multi-layer, reinforced technical fabric. It is a material specially dedicated to the production of flexible tanks.

The reinforcement layer in the form of a strong polyester mesh plays an important role here, as well as a layer containing a UV filter that protects many liquid substances stored in the hydroBANK against photosynthesis.
All seams in the tank are welded HF technology . Special HF welders that perform this type of welding are the best possible devices in the world for this type of purpose. They guarantee the strength of welds equal to the strength of the material itself. Thus, the perfect quality of tightness of our products is created. Unfortunately, hot air welders most often used by our European and Asian competitors will not ensure such quality.